A Campaign to Renovate, Revive, and Expand the Home And Heart of The Table @ UGA for the next century
Founded in 1940 as the Presbyterian Student Center,
The Table at UGA has served for over 80 years as
a spiritual home away from home,
a community of belonging for all students,
and a beacon of hope in the world
Throughout our history, the ministry has relentlessly borne witness to the image of God in all people. In order to build upon this legacy for the next 80 years, we need to meet three goals:
Renovate | Expand | Endow
UPDATE 8/20/2022 - To date, $225K has been raised in Gifts and pledges, meaning that the most urgent need of this campaign—replacing HVAC and Electrical systems—is covered! There’s still a long ways to go, but this is a huge milestone! Thank you to all who have contributed so far!
A complete renovation of the Student Center: Functional and aesthetic upgrades to the Chapel, Lounge, Dining Room & Kitchen, with Efficiency, Accessibility, & Inclusion as core values of the project. The addition of modern communication and connective technology, including a video conference room, will enhance our ability to extend the reach of the ministry, to invite board members from all over the state, and to stay connected with sustaining mission partners near and far.
The back half of PCM’s property is a prime location for the development of an intentional Multi-Religious Living Community. Building on the example of the Cal-Aggie Christian Association at UC Davis, the ministry staff at the PSC recognizes a need to foster mutually respectful, inter-religious understanding, relationship, and partnership on campus. The MLC@UGA will consist of two 7-8 Bedroom Houses, a kosher/halal community kitchen and dining room, shared laundry facility, and community/activity space.
Annual Contribution to Budget: $90K
Confident of the importance of PCM’s witness and ministry on campus and in Athens, one of the primary aims of this campaign is to enhance the sustainability and resilience of the organization which makes ministry possible. To that end, we aim to establish a $3M endowment, which would yield $127.5 in budget support annually. $45K of that would service the property maintenance needs, and $90K endows one full time campus minister office with salary up to $65K and benefits.
Annual Contribution To Budget: $127.5K
This campaign, when completed, will ensure the presence of an inclusive, Christian campus ministry with ordained staff at UGA in perpetuity. A target $400K annual budget, in addition to supporting the programatic ministry, will support a robust ministry staff including two full time, ordained campus ministers (one serving as Executive Director & Head of Staff, and one fully dedicated to Student Ministry), a full time business administrator, one seminary intern, and two student interns.
Or, gifts and pledge payments
can be made out to The Table, indicating ‘NEXT80’ in the
memo line, and mailed to:
1250 S Lumpkin Street
Athens GA 30605
Rendering by Armentrout Matheny Thurmond PC, in Athens, GA.
100 Faithful Families
The NEXT80 Campaign is a significantly larger capital project than the ministry has taken on since fundraising began for construction of the Presbyterian Student Center began in 1957. At that time the Synod of Georgia was responsible for raising funds from every Presbyterian congregation across the state. Today a lot has changed about how campus ministries are supported. In short, we have to raise our own money, and so we are calling on all alumni, friends, and supporters of this historic and vital ministry to pitch in. We need to find at least 100 Faithful Folks and/or families who will commit $1K/yr for the next five years, kickstarting the Presbyterian Student Center's NEXT80 Campaign.

History & Necessity
The Presbyterian Student Center was completed in 1959, and has seen very few significant updates since.
An urgent need for a new HVAC system in late 2018 led the board of directors to take stock of the facility as a whole,
evaluating how well it meets the needs of a thriving campus ministry in the 21st century.
Rendering of renovated lounge space (from opposite direction) (Armetrout, Matheny, Thurmond)
Rendering of renovated Dining Room (AMT)
The Lounge, Dining Hall, and Kitchen are set to receive complete makeovers ideal for accommodating meals, small groups, meetings, and hosting guests. Restrooms will be reconstructed as single-occupancy, all-gender units, with family/handicap accessible facilities, and a shower,
which allows The Table to host overnight groups. And finally, the Food Pantry will receive an upgrade befitting its mission!
A few significant upgrades to technology were made during the COVID-19 Pandemic in order to continue faithfully connecting with students in worship.
These additions still need to be professionally integrated, and supplemented to make them accessible to student volunteers.
New finishes, lighting and seating will round out the revival of our most sacred space, The Table Chapel!
Students hanging out in the lounge before weekly worship, Fall 2018.
The Dining Room, 2022
The ‘Westminster Fellowship’ Chapel and participants, 1964
The Chapel, 2022
Contribute To The NEXT80 Campaign
Gifts and pledge payments can be made out to The Table,
indicating ‘NEXT80’ in the memo line, and mailed to:
1250 S Lumpkin Street Athens GA 30605
Or Give Online Today: