Origin Story: a series on Genesis 1:1-12:7
Why are we here? How ought we to live on this big blue planet together, and what if we mess it up (because I think we already did … !!!)?
The book of Genesis is a product of disaster. Likely compiled in the aftermath of the Babylonian Exile (6th century BCE), the biblical origin story has little interest in answering questions about how, technically, the earth was formed, but rather, when our whole world has fallen apart, what remains stable enough to hold on to? What foundations go down deeper than creation itself? Where and why have we had a tendency to lose our grasp on this fundamental reality, and how might we regain it for the sake of our salvation, and the salvation of the world?
[Sermons from 10/15 (Cain & Abel) and 11/5 (Tower of Babel) were not recorded. Click the links to read manuscripts of each of those sermons.]